So Many Exciting Updates!
We’d like to extend a warm welcome to so many of you who have subscribed to our blog in the past few months! We are honored that you would take a moment out of your day to learn more about this ministry. Today we are excited to share with you an update from Devin, who returned recently from Sierra Leone.
Can you share an update on the ministry?
First, I want to share an update on our much-loved, Grandma Dorcas Kamanda. Several of you have reached out to ask how she is doing and SO many of you have been praying as she has been battling cancer. (Here is that story if you missed it).
Dorcas has been undergoing months of chemotherapy and radiation. She had major surgery which went very well. She is doing so fantastic that her oncologist approved her to go back for another visit to Sierra Leone…which is where she is at this moment! We all feel incredibly grateful for your prayers and the miraculous, additional time that God has given her.
A lot has been happening over the last 6 months! To recap for those that are newer to our blog, there are 2 parts of the ministry. There is a flourishing microfinance program called “Salone Rising,” which supports promising business owners in Sierra Leone, West Africa. The mission is to empower and improve the lives of families by providing motivated business owners with micro-grants, business loans, training programs and mentoring opportunities to help them obtain their goals.

There are currently over 300 people, primarily women, who have received business grants and a waiting list of many, many more who are eager to join this program. If you are interested in learning more about how this microfinance program is transforming lives, click here.
The other part of the ministry came about as a result of the government requesting a partnership to address the crisis of so many orphaned and destitute children in West Africa, especially after the Ebola virus devastated this part of the world. Mamaland is a Children’s Village which currently has 20 girls, ages 4-14, all being lovingly raised by Sierra Leonean mothers on staff.

Most of these girls were born into Muslim families, and with the community’s blessing, are being raised as Christians. These girls are being educated, have strong values and big dreams to be forces for good in their country.
(Wondering how one of the oldest girls was orphaned but now dreams of becoming the President of Sierra Leone? Click here to watch this short video of Feremusu’s remarkable story! )
You came home so full of joy after this recent trip. Why is that?
I have been to Sierra Leone about a dozen times but this was my favorite trip ever. I saw how so many women are empowered to start their own businesses and are working really hard to care for their own families. It was great to meet with the dedicated staff that serves them. Then, I was incredibly happy to see the daughters of Mamaland all growing in their faith, excelling at school, treating each other so well, and learning new cultural dances. I was impressed with the way their house mothers continue to pour into them with such love, affection and dedication. Their lives have been forever changed. The word that stuck with me as I saw everything was: THRIVING. I never cease to be amazed by these precious girls and the devoted staff!
You delighted in a certain photo when you came home. What struck you about this picture?

I’m not that great with photography. I was taking a few pictures but accidentally left my phone on portrait mode for this group shot. This little girl in focus in the front is the newest daughter to join Mamaland. Isata, whom everyone calls “IS,” is only 4 years old. IS has SO much energy, personality and joy! She has changed a lot in the short time she has been in the program. (If you would like to read how IS and her sister came to Mamaland and see before and after pictures, please click here.
Can you provide a quick update on construction?
The first 2 homes, which can house 10 girls each, are completed. I was so pleased to see the progress on the community center.

This will be the heart and main gathering place of the Children’s Village. The guest house is nearly complete. I’d like to give a big shout out to John Rahe and Bob Smith, two very talented American engineers who have volunteered their invaluable expertise on the design and construction of all of this.
What are you most concerned about and how can others get involved?
I am most concerned about the long-term financing of this ministry. Currently, our business here in Colorado provides about 80% of the funding for the programs. While we had some very lean times with COVID, the business has bounced back and is currently doing great. But I know that there will be ups and downs in the business, there always are. We need others to come alongside of us to provide longer-term donations for the Grantees and Mamaland girls. This would give us the confidence to bring in more orphaned and destitute girls, as the government is requesting, and to support more grantees in starting their own businesses. Would you consider partnering with us to help the wonderful people of Sierra Leone?
There are several options to give: click here to sponsor one of the girls monthly. Click here to provide a one-time or monthly donation. And lastly, if you prefer, checks can be made out to the: Harwell Family Foundation and mailed to: 1500 W. Dartmouth Ave. Englewood, CO 80110.
(As we are a registered 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is completely tax deductible and 100% of your donation will go directly to the care of the children and providing the business grants.)
THANK YOU for partnering with us in being a light for the hopeless by empowering destitute women and children to live lives of renewed hope and transformation. Together, we are changing the lives of families and communities for generations to come!

One Comment
Marilyn Featherstun
Devin and Beth, your hard work and dedication to the girls continues to be amazing! These sweet girls look so well cared for, loved and joyful. It does my heart good to see them so vibrant. You are angels on earth! ♥️